Where To Get Support For Struggling Mums

I have been in a place where I knew I was struggling but didn't know why or where to get help.

I have put together a list of places you can turn to for information and support from professionals and peer supporters.

Remember you don't have to struggle alone, it takes a village to support a mumma and you deserve to feel supported.

If you need immediate help or are looking for extra support or advice urgently:

  • Talk to a health professional e.g GP, midwife or health visitor
  • Go to A&E at your local hospital
  • Call the emergency services on 999
  • Call Samaritans on 116 123 (free to call and will not appear on your phone bill)

Mental Health Support

Maternal Support


Charity providing support to mums who have suffered miscarriages or baby loss




Run by 2 mum offering support for SEN mums. Advice on DLA, EHCP & Blue Badge Applications


0808 808 3555

Hugh bank of resources and offer support with any questions, DLA,EHCP applications