Baby Daze By Sarah Davis

One more push might do it
I give it my all and you're here

Baby Daze by Sarah Davis is a collection of heart warming and humorous poems about life through the first year of motherhood. I could relate to every poem in the book, from birth to first trip out, mother and baby groups and my personal favourite experiencing a poo explosion just as you leave the house!

Sarah's journey to motherhood faced many challenges including overcoming ME. The joy of her miracle baby mixed with the intense emotions and hormones of being a new mum meant at 3am Sarah found the peace of the night feeds allowed her creativity to come alive. The poems were an outlet for her to process the highs and lows of motherhood and turned into a collection of 40 poems!

The book is a great gift for new mums to remember they are not alone and has been recommended by Mother and Baby Magazine.

Even though I am a few years into my motherhood journey I loved reading the poems and laughing through our shared experiences. It is great to remind yourself how you felt was ok and that we all feel the same.

For World Book Day 2021, Sarah very kindly read one of her poems on the Super Mumma Instagram if you would like a little preview.

You can purchase Baby Daze By Sarah Davis from Bookshop and other major book retailers. (please note this is an affiliate link, Bookshop helps support local bookshops and I receive a small commission if you purchase through it.)