How Super Mumma Was Born
You only know what you know. What I mean by that is, I didn't know what I was experiencing was Post Natal Anxiety because I didn't know it existed. All the information I was given during pregnancy talked about Post Natal Depression. The signs they talked about didn't match what I was going through, so how was I supposed to know that it's a general term that can encompass a wide range of symptoms and conditions? If I had been more informed about what these illnesses could look like, perhaps I could have sought help earlier and felt less isolated.
This search for answers and companionship inspired me to create Super Mumma. I wanted to create a space for mums, like me, to feel empowered by learning more about mental health and wellbeing, but from a real-life perspective. No fluffy language or unrealistic scenarios of a quiet space with scented candles, soft cushions, and blankets. I want to share my journey with you to find a no-nonsense way to care for your mind, prioritise self-care, and find the true super mumma within you.
I began to develop products that helped me feel supported, empowered, or just a bit more stable when overwhelm and anxiety would strike. Every product I create and every mum brand I feature is rooted in the idea of enhancing mental wellbeing. I personally test each product to ensure that when I'm on the brink, it can build me up, empower me, and make me feel like a super mumma even when I might be trembling.
Through gaining knowledge and the tools to empower our mental wellbeing and health, we can handle the demands and challenges that motherhood throws our way.
Lastly, remember that you are not alone. Super Mumma isn't just one person bossing motherhood and telling you how to be like them; it's a community of real mums trying to make it through the day, using the strength of the mummahood to lift each other up.

My Story
Motherhood was not the fairytale ending I was expecting. It's been a massive shock to the system and as much I love being a mum, the dream I had imagined was not what I am living.
The Super Mumma Patch
Support always by your side, giving you the skills to self soothe yourself back to calm.

The Super Mumma Affirmation
Super Mumma has your back! When you feel like you are shaking the Super Mumma Affirmation is there to remind you that you have got this!
What is a super mumma
You & Me! Every mumma is super! There is no mum better then you, there is no better way to be a mum